The Winery at Pikes Peak

The Winery at Pikes Peak provides complimentary wine tasting of our 6 signature wines, while a quick snack and our relaxing garden room await you.

The Parliament Blend, named after the proprietors, is a unique blend of cabernet and syrah, always smooth until the glass is empty.

Our amazing Cabernet starts with a real kick and by the second sip, softens to a smooth sensation.

Balanced to the last drop, the Chardonnay is crisp and refreshing, with a hint of smoke.

Not too sweet, but not too dry, our Riesling is very easy to drink.

The Pinot Gris is a bit drier than most, with a slight hint of apple.

Last, but not least, our Rosie C, named after the matriarch of the family, Rosie Chamandy, is an exquisite blend of Merlot and Reisling. This rose hits both ends of the spectrum, some taste it sweet and some taste it dry.


Posted on

June 14, 2018

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